So today i wanted to say that i COMPLETELY forgot to say the score of my basketball game on Saturday which we won 33-26 over the bobcats, i had no points and no shots but i had 2 steals so thats on the positive side.
Also i forgot to say to my sister GOOD LUCK AT SCHOOL, she just went back to California and actually she started school on Feb. 1st so congratz to her.
Anyway i found or thought of rather a good example of positive attitude while i was watching TV. I was watching The Biggest Loser last night and i saw these people who were 300..400 pounds and i thought to myself "They may be overweight but they have the power to choose how the handle it and they are handling it with a positive attitude and making a difference." So as i say this i say this for just about everything else in life. It is all about how you look at things, i know i ALWAYS go back to this example but the glass half Empty/Full. if you look at it half empty then you are choosing to look at it in a negative way. Now my question to the people who look at it that way.. Why? why look at the glass half empty when you could join me and millions of other people in the world who live a positive life and look for the positive in EVERYTHING!
Also-last i just wanted to say that in school we are debating about certain things and in MY opinion i dont think that there is anything to debate about being positive or negative.
A man is not defeated by his opponents but by himself
--Jan Christian Smuts--
I agree that The Biggest Loser show is a good show from the standpoint that they are choosing to focus on the positive. But wouldn't it also be cool if there were shows that celebrated life....a show called "pay it forward" or something like that -