No one said it was going to be easy, the day you were born. Your mother never said that life would be a breeze and it will be clear sailing without any struggles, risks, or obstacles to overcome. Instead, you realized that things might not always go your way. Even as an infant, you got hungry, thirsty, bored, tired, sick, cold, hot, constipated, upset, startled, scared, confused, and frustrated by a myriad of circumstances you couldn't possibly comprehend.
As you grew up, you began to understand how you could control certain elements of your environment, yet still suffered from all the troubles I just listed. Even as an adult, we are subjected to these same issues that invade our lives. It appears that life is, and shall remain, a struggle until the day we die. It's how we cope and view these incidents that determine our character and the quality of our existence.
It's all about our attitude. With constant news reports about catastrophes striking every country in the world, how can we feel good about ourselves? There are starving people, natural disasters, political strife, warring nations, terrorism, pollution, health concerns, and over-crowding, both local and nationally. The news apparently is never good.
Add to that, daily confrontations with employers, store clerks, other drivers, and family members, you get the picture. You face a never-ending sea of bills, relationship challenges, and on-the-job dilemmas. Where will it end? Only at death, I'm afraid and some depressed individuals have already decided to end their lives sooner than later. But, for the rest of us that face these facts of daily life, what are our options?
We have to accept why we are on this planet in the first place. Assuming we have only one crack at a lifetime, we get to make the most out of it as possible. Through our own free will and perhaps some divine intervention, we control our fate. We can choose to allow the constant bombardment of negativity ruin our psyche, or ignore the obvious taunts and move forward with a good attitude. It's takes a commitment and constant effort to overcome the flow of obstacles, but it can be done. It begins with the simple things.
Do you smile a lot? Well, you should. Practice at smiling at everyone you see, whether a total stranger you pass in the supermarket aisle or your postman. Saying a kind word at the appropriate time, is even better. How's your sense of humor? Do you like to laugh? The cycle begins when you look and feel good about yourself. Surround yourself with other positive people, while divesting of the negative ones. When someone starts to offer critical feedback in a discussion, politely tell them that you prefer not to continue that particular topic. You can decide to change the subject to something more constructive.
We all have the naysayers that love to harp on life's darker side. It's time to put them aside and focus on people with a good outlook. Just like the negative news, these folks will bring you down. I dread those phone calls and now try to put a good spin on bad news. It's the old art of turning lemons into lemonade.
I relate those events back to the myth of the Phoenix bird. After a life of 500 years, it appears a tragedy is to occur when the bird builds a giant pyre of fire jumps into the inferno. But, later, after being consumed, a baby Phoenix emerges to begin a new lifespan with a renewed sense of optimism. We should all learn from this act.
Out of seemingly impossible situations, new opportunities can arise. This forward-thinking outlook can guide our thoughts and deeds at every juncture. Remember, we have this one life to survive and we are entrusted by our creator to do the best we can. I would imagine that the purpose of our existence is to create, not destroy, to uplift, not to put down, and to leave it a better place than where we found it.
How would you like to be recalled when you have passed away? As the old bitter, person that never had a nice thing to say about anyone or anything? Or as the positive, upbeat person, that embraced life and lived it to the fullest, thereby positively impacting everyone with whom you interacted? It's your choice while you're living.
If I've touched a nerve and got you to think about being a more positive person, then great, because you can make a difference from this moment on. Just get out there and feel good about yourself. Treat yourself to something decadent like dark chocolate, a new pair or shoes for the lady, or a power tool for the gentleman, because you deserve it. Hey, did I just catch you smiling?
Jeffrey Hauser was a sales consultant for the Bell System Yellow Pages for nearly 25 years. He graduated from Pratt Institute with a BFA in Advertising and has a Master's Degree in teaching. He had his own advertising agency in Scottsdale, Arizona and ran a consulting and design firm, ABC Advertising. He has authored 6 books and a novel, "Pursuit of the Phoenix." His latest book is, "Inside the Yellow Pages" which can be seen at his website, Currently, he is the Marketing Director for, a Health Information and Doctor Referral site. i didnt read this whole article but i read most of it and although it seems negative at the beginning it gets more positive. |
That's an AWESOME article with many, many good points. I truly believe we have to live our life to the fullest, every moment of every day. And that means surrounding ourselves with positive energy, positive people and positive experiences.