Friday, February 5, 2010

Today was a good day!

today was a pretty good day. not to much going on but i had a good school day then i went bowling and got a like 100 or 101 or something and now im going to the mall so i just wanted to say that i had a really good day and nothing much going on.

last i had an example of being positive or more rather a personal experience.
When i started working out 2-3 months ago i weighed 90 pounds and could max out at about 70-90.

NOW 2 months later i weigh 110 pounds and i can max out at 145 pounds so thats good/positive thing about my life. So anyway i think that if you are positive toward life then life will be positive toward you, and thats my quote of today!

If you're positive toward life then life will be positive toward you.