Thursday, February 25, 2010


So tonight im just really quick posting and saying yet again that i hope to post a long one this weekend cause im not really doing anything special. So anyway its snowing alot and i hope that tomorrow we have a snowday (but i doubt it)

Reach for the stars, even if you have to stand on a cactus. ~Susan Longacre


  1. I'm rooting for a snow day!!! Keep me posted :)

  2. this picture is scary!!!!!! What do whales have to do with snow days!!!????!

  3. Cactus? Whales? Well, it worked. We got our snow day! I even worked at home so yesterday was a pretty nice day for everyone in our house!

    Hey Colton, good game today! I liked your steals -- and Jake had some good scores and rebounds. Nice!
