Tuesday, February 16, 2010


ok so this morning wasnt really feeling so good =[ but im feeling better now! after basketball and im watching some office about to eat a cheesecake! So something on the positive side i almost have 150 views on my blog! woohoo, also i have 6 followers. anyway i just wanted to say a quick thing about how my day was. cause i have some other stuff to do. my internet browser hasnt been working so i have to convert everything to Firefox.

Quote: Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book

i thought that this was a really good quote. i loved it, i think everybody who reads it will smile!

Thanks for viewing today! dont forget to tell your friends :D


  1. That quote is awesome! Grandma said something similar to me the other day :)

    Miss you Colt! Keep up the blogging!!

  2. You are my sunshine, honey bear :)
