WOW, as i watch the 10:00 news all i see in the first 5 minutes is a women who murdered her 2 year old... then tiger woods apology.. sheesh people talk about negative! my god. if only there was a channel of news where all they talked about whats whats going on thats positive in the world (dont steal my ideas now!) i would watch it every day to learn new facts about the world and whats going on but i mean COME ON. all negative. no positive. Anyway. so today i lost my debate =[ but thats alright. they had a good debate (i think the judges were bias) but no matter! i asked my teacher if we could have another debate and pick our topics this time. but if you dont already know my topic was video games are bad for kids. but i had the negative so i was ACTUALLY saying why they are GOOD for kids.
one of the arguments was that video games reduce your time you spend with your family.. but i mean comeon. one time when i had my WII i had 3 of my bestfriends families over and we had a WII BOWLING TOURAMENT. does that sound like reduced family time... i dont think so! ANYWAYS..... (im starting to sound like the news, blah blah blah negative blah blah blah negative)
well i have to go to bed now cause its getting pretty late. tomorrow is b-ball.!
So often time it happens, we all live our life in chains, and we never even know we have the key. ~The Eagles, "Already Gone"
Your post today made me smile. I stopped watching the news cuz it's so negative! I loved that you asked the teacher for another debate - that's a positive! Maybe competitive too?!
ReplyDeleteHave a good game tomorrow:)
Hey Colt! Good point about the news. I haven't watched it in months because I found, like you, that most of their stories are depressing! And no one wants to spend time watching negative stories anyway. Good luck at your game tomorrow! Do number 23 proud!!!! Love you!
ReplyDeleteHi! I found your blog from The Daily Challenge's blog list. It's a great point about the news. On my blog, I list a few "good news" resources in the right column. A few: happynews.com, only-positive-news.com...and then mine is whatsthebestthatcanhappen.blogspot.com. Keep up the good work!