Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day Two

Day two... Day two... wow i cant believe i'm doing this!

anyway today was a great day! i had a really good day at school. made a few people laugh, no homework, got home and went to Madd Chef for an AMAZING dinner! To eat i had a potato and steak salad and it was GREAT!

Right now just kicking back watching community waiting for the office to come on (HILARIOUS)

So last night when i was looking around for my daily quote i found this really "positive" site. The first sentence sent chills through my spine so you should really check out

so to end today because the office is coming on so:

Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.
John N. Mitchell


  1. I was so inspired by what you wrote! It is true that "the pen is mightier than the sword." Words to live by....

  2. That quote is awesome Colt!! I love it!!
