Quote: It always pays off to be positive
Sunday, January 31, 2010
SUUUUPER sunday!
so today was a Pretty good day, not much went on but that dosent mean it wasnt good! anyways today is another short blog cause its kinda late and i have to go to bed soon, hopefully ill right a long blog soon. Anyway just wanted to say Stay positive and try to make a list of things you have to do this week and put be positive on the top.
Saturday, January 30, 2010

About yesterday, the song wasn't supposed to be sad i just wanted to say goodbye to my sister so if you thought it was a sad song, my bad. but anyway im doing my blog earlier this morning cause i have a basketball game (my team is the Cavs the team we are V.S Bobcats) and im playing 1st and 4th quarter. Then after that im going to my friends house for a sleepover.
Thats my weekend in a nut shell. but so today i know my team is gonna win!
So today i just wanted to say that I've been putting in my own quotes, although ive done this i dont know if other people own the quotes im just writing in what i think of at the time.
So last thing that i want to say is that you should make a list of goals at he beginning of each week and at the top of your list you should put "Be positive all week long"... see how it goes and tell me cause if you are a negative person and you try to be positive all week long you'll find that it isnt as easy as you think.
Thanks for reading today! be positive.
If you think positive your life will be 100x better
--Colton DeForest--
Friday, January 29, 2010
Today is friday!
Friday.. FINALLY, after a long hard week of school its finally time to relax!
so Candice left today =[ but i get to see her all summer cause she is coming back which is really exiting. so in honor of candice!!
Anyway so i have a good weekend ahead of me and im not planning to do anything... maybe hang out with my friends and play some PS3.
OH and one last thing i saw this yesterday and thought it was kinda cute and explained attitude really REALLY well.
If you look at the glass half full then your looking into the Good side of your life and the future
--Colton DeForest--
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Again today not much to say but i just wanted to say how good of a day i had. had some great laughs at lunch today.
today i just wanted to put a list of my favorite songs:
Don't worry be happy: bob marley
i can walk on water i can fly: Basshunter
those are he only two i can list cause i have to go to bed but here is a youtube video you should watch. its very inspiring and has some really good quotes
Everyday is a new chance to be positive
--Colton DeForest--
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wonderful Wednesday it was! So Candice goes home Friday, boo but we had a good time.
So anyway im uo to 48 page visits! w00t almost 50, ITS A MILESTONE! it calls for a celebration!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzRH3iTQPrk The funniest youtube video in the world. Anyway i have to go to bed and i know i should have blogged more today but i totally forgot, WHOOPS. so tell me what you think of the video and ill talk to you guys/gals tomorrow!
Positive isn't just a word, or an addition symbol, its a way of life.
--Colton DeForest--
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Terrrriffic Tuesday
So today was a terrific Tuesday. One way it was great was because in basketball i got the number 23 and i said i wasn't worthy, but then today i was hitting threes like i couldn't miss!
Anyway i had lots of homework tonight and i got it all done and done right so thats a Positive!
So tomorrow is Wednesda and that means rec center, woohoo im gaining strength and getting better so thats a plus.
last i just wanted to say that i hope your Tuesday was just as WONDERFUL as mine!
Thanx for reading:
Henry James: Motivational Quotes about Life
It's time to start living the life you've imagined.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Busy day # 6
Ping pong tournament, dance parties, spelling bee's, its all in a days work!
im winded from playing some intense ping pong with my dad... i lost by one point but its all good cause i have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE!
so today i was in the spelling bee and i was feeling pretty good and then i got the word Solemn.. which i had never in my life heard, and so i spelled in solumn and was out the first round. But i was ok cause we got free pizza!
anyway so i had a good day. just went to school... had some laughs at lunch, normal day.
so the other day i came across a website and here it is. i though it was interesting http://www.successconsciousness.com/index_000009.htm
so almost time to hang with the sista.
Quote: Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.
W. C. Fields
Sunday, January 24, 2010
day five!

SO its day five! I've hit a milestone (thank you Candice for that word)
So last day of the weekend, nothing really new to talk about but i did wanna say something.
If you are getting mad about your work or anything else that people get mad about, just take a break and eat something like a orange or an apple. Other suggestions are take a walk, walk your dog if you have one or do some chores so you dont have to do them all over the weekend. Another one for if you are at work just go around and talk to some people and see what they are doing this weekend or this week or over the summer, but ive found that if your stressed that you should take a break from what is stressing you out.
Also i know that alot of workplaces dont really allow you to have "breaks" in you work day so just take a small break. just sit in your chair and plan what your having for dinner or other things.
Last is i found another way to stay positive! my way to stay positive is... NEVER BE NEGATIVE!
just kidding :D
ive found that being positive isnt always an easy thing to do, espically if a family member dies, or something tragic happens or anything else that could make you sad. and i might be Mr. Positive but it is ok to be negative sometimes BUT on the contrary you should be positive as much as possible. Something that i've found is that when your positive then the people around you are positive as well!
So to leave a good sunday off on a good note:
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Day Cuatro!
ahh what a wonderful day four was.
so today i just wanted to say what i means to be "positive" cause some people say "Oh i can do that" but they don't really even know what it means.
1.) | manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, esp. of the mind: a negative attitude; group attitudes. so having a positive attitude is this but positive feeling or positive regard to a person or thing. So in my words. to have a positive attitude is to be positive toward an act or person. so what i mean by this is if your positive toward something then your happy and look at things in a more "good" (if you will) perspective. thats what it all comes down to, So if you want your life to be more positive, start looking at the glass half full and be happy and nice to other people around you and more confident. thats how I define having a Positive Attitude, Tell me how you would say what it is! Daily quote: Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can't be done. --Bo Bennett |
Friday, January 22, 2010
woohoo day three
So friday.. nothing much happening in my little world today but it was a great day. i didnt get in trouble in school and we have a new substitute teacher or a student teacher rather and he told us to call him C dog! lol but tonight i am going to my best friends house for a sleepover so i just wanted to share my quick thoughts with you guys on today.
All in all it was a a positive day, no negative for me!
Quote of the day!
You really can change the world if you care enough.
Marian Wright Edelman
Marian Wright Edelman
Thanks for your time! hope it helps you live positive!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Day Two
Day two... Day two... wow i cant believe i'm doing this!
anyway today was a great day! i had a really good day at school. made a few people laugh, no homework, got home and went to Madd Chef for an AMAZING dinner! To eat i had a potato and steak salad and it was GREAT!
Right now just kicking back watching community waiting for the office to come on (HILARIOUS)
So last night when i was looking around for my daily quote i found this really "positive" site. The first sentence sent chills through my spine so you should really check out http://www.successconsciousness.com/index_000033.htm
so to end today because the office is coming on so:
Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.
John N. Mitchell
John N. Mitchell
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day ONE!
Cant believe i'm finally starting to do this. Inspired by my sister (The Daily Challenge) I am now going to try to do this every day for the next year.
Tonight i'm not going to post that much because its almost my bed time. but i just wanted to say thank you to everybody who is reading this, and I hope it is a life changer.
last i want to end with a inspirational quote every time so this weeks quote is:
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
- William Shakespeare
- William Shakespeare
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