Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday- 5/13/2010

i put that title there because this post isnt really about anything special, i just wanted to post and make sure everybody knew i was still here.

Nothing much going on in my little world. Now that track is over i havent been doing much. Hoping to maybe start (or think about it atleast a little bit more) that 1$ campaign soon, if you have any ideas leave a comment.. Maybe soon i will find another funny video or article like i did when i was in california and i will post about it.

Quote: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”


  1. I still love the $1 campaign. Setting up a website would be simple. You just gotta think of a catchy name!

  2. How about something simple like "The World Fish Campaign." The word "Fish" is a common reference to something biblical, or that is has its basis in something christlike, so I think that would catch a lot of people's attention. And it makes sense, because the idea of raising money to help the poor learn a trade to support themselves is a christian endeavor.

  3. Not much going on? Come see one of my soccer games! My teams both played amazing games this past weekend!

    As for the $1 idea, here is a web site name suggestion:
